%A NIM.: 17104080021 Diah Retno Ayuningtyas %O Pembimbing : Nurul Arfinanti, S. Pd.Si., M.Pd %T ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS SISWA DALAM PEMECAHAN MASALAH PADA MATERI BANGUN RUANG KELAS V MI RAUDLATUL MUTA’ALLIMIN %X The results of the latest research by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), show the achievement results of Indonesian students in the 72nd order of the 78 countries studied. This shows that Indonesian students' mastery of mathematics is relatively low. The factors of low mastery caused by the learning process is difficult to think critically, solve problems, give opinions and conclusions. So it is necessary to conduct further research on this matter. The problem studied in this study is how to think critically for grade 5 students in solving problems in the material of building space. This type of qualitative research is used with a field research design. Sources of data obtained in this study were taken from teachers and all grade 5 students. Data was collected through diagnostic tests, interviews and observations. Data analysis techniques used in this study include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The technique of checking the validity of the data is using the triangulation method. The results showed that of the 24 students of class V MI Raudlatul Muta'allimin who were given diagnostic tests, interviews and observations, there were students with TBK 0, TBK 1, TBK 2 and TBK 3. With the number and percentage of each TBK, namely TBK 0, there were 4 students with the percentage of 16.67%, then TBK 1 number 7 students with a percentage of 29.1%, then TBK 2 amounted to 10 students with a percentage o f 41.67%, and TBK 3 collected 3 students with a proportion of 12.5%. The fifth grade students of MI Raudlatul Muta'allimin occupy TBK 2 the most, meaning that the average level of critical thinking ability is quite good based on the critical thinking indicator according to Ennis. However, in the implementation of learning several times it was found that the teacher was lacking in providing stimulus to students in critical thinking.” %K Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis, Pemecahan Masalah Matematika %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47205