%A NIM.: 19204090017 Poetri Leharia Pakpahan %O Pembimbing : Dr. H. Sabarudin, M. Si. %T MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA TENAGA PENDIDIK DALAM PELAKSANAAN PEMBINAAN KOMPETENSI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEGIATAN PROSES BELAJAR DI SMK DIPONEGORO DEPOK %X The background of this research is that there are competent educators in schools that can produce quality and quality graduates in education, the resources of educators who must have and have extensive and extensive knowledge and the ability to carry out their duties and responsibilities. In this case, it is necessary to manage the resources of educators to make it happen, because the management of teaching staff has many stages or processes that are expected to improve competence and learning process activities for students at Diponegoro Vocational School, Depok, Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the management of educators' resources, to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors that affect the management of educators' resources, to determine the results of the management of educators' resources in the implementation of competency development in learning process activities. This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive. The primary data in this research are principals, curriculum representatives, educators and heads of administration. While secondary data is data and archives related to this research such as books and documentation. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of the study show that: First, the Management of Educator Resources in the Implementation of Competency Development at SMK Diponegoro Depok in terms of recruitment or planning has not run optimally because of the new principal so that all systems still follow the path of the old principal. Then, infrastructure facilities and resources are also still inadequate. However, the school always strives to advance the school by completing what is lacking and improving it so that it becomes a school that is appropriate. Second, the Supporting and Inhibiting Factors of Educator Resource Management, namely the availability of internet wifi network facilities, whiteboards, books to support lessons, projectors, laptops. Then the laboratory room infrastructure, as well as a comfortable and safe classroom atmosphere, clean and safe school yard, leadership from the principal who pays attention to educators, monthly regular meetings, discipline for educators, activeness of educators, education training for educators, motivation each individual educator. Then the laboratory room infrastructure, as well as a comfortable and safe classroom atmosphere, clean and safe school yard, leadership from the principal who pays attention to educators, monthly regular meetings, discipline for educators, activeness of educators, education training for educators, motivation each individual educator. While the inhibiting factors are sometimes the time and place of carrying out training activities collide with other activities, the facilities are power lines that are off, the infrastructure if the lab room is being used so that it collides when to be used, lack of funds, students who are less enthusiastic in participating in the learning process due to sleeping in class, as well as students who invite their friends to chat. Third, the results of Educator Resource Management in the xi Implementation of Competency Development to Improve Learning Process Activities at SMK Diponegoro Depok, namely in the process of learning activities, educators make learning process designs, there are techniques or motivations in every learning activity, educators invite to see video films and tell stories. experiences or games when students get bored, educators will evaluate students every semester or several months of the learning process and motivate students to always be excited for school. %K Management; Education; Pembelajaran %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47296