%A NIM.: 19204010105 Karyono Setiya Nagri %O Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. H. Sangkot Sirait, M. Ag. %T STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN SKI DALAM UPAYA PENANAMAN NILAI ISLAM WASATHIYAH DI MI KHR ILYAS TANJUNGREJO %X At the end of November 2020, the Indonesian people were shocked by the news of the murder of a family in Sigi-Poso. The news hasn’t finished down yet, a viral of adzan appears, some of which have been replaced with an invitation to jihad. These events created fear in the community. The impact of this fear was also experienced by MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo. Some people do not want to let their children studying to MI, for the reason that they are afraid that their children will be carried away by an exclusive or extreme religious understanding. This matter became the attention of MI KHR teachers Ilyas Tanjungrejo, and did not escape the Islamic Cultural History teachers who think if there is a wrong concept in Islamic Cultural History learning, it will also be wrong in interpreting religious concepts. According to this, curriculum changes through KMA (Minister of Religion Decree) numbers 183 and 184 of 2019 include encouraging students to prepare students who have an attitude of religious moderation. Moderation has been known in various religions, especially in Indonesia, including the concept of wasathiyah. According to the reasons, the researcher considers that it is important to conduct a research with the aim of exploring the concepts and values of Islam wasathiyah at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo and how the Islamic Cultural History learning strategy is in an effort to inculcate Islamic values of Wasathiyah at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation methods at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo. The data obtained were sorted, collected, and organized to provide an overview of the concept and value of Islamic wasathiyah at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo, and the Islamic Cultural History learning strategy used in the effort to instill Islamic values of wasathiyah at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo. According to this research, two conclusions were drawn, namely: first, the concept of wasathiyah Islam at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo is understood as an attitude of living in society with teposliro or tasamuh which remains principled on aqidah, through polite and courteous behavior in the hope that graduates can be accepted by the community, and can contribute to life in society. Than, Islamic values of wasathiyah at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo are contained in nine-character values of local content in madrasas. The nine-character values developed are in line with the spirit of the 18 characters formulated by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Islamic values of wasathiyah. And second, the Islamic Cultural History learning strategy in an effort to inculcate Islamic values of wasathiyah at MI KHR Ilyas Tanjungrejo refers to the character values listed in the KI-2 indicators and learning objectives. Character values that are not listed in the KI-2 indicators and learning objectives are explored and instilled through Islamic Cultural History learning strategies that contain character values. %K Islam Wasathiyah, Nilai Karakter, Strategi Pembelajaran %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47333