%A NIM.: 19204030022 Azizah Nurul Fadlilah %O Pembimbing : Dr. Imam Machali, M.Pd %T STRATEGI MARKETING MIX REVOLUTIF KONTINU SEBAGAI MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN JASA PENDIDIKAN LEMBAGA PAUD DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (STUDI KASUS PADA TK ABA MARDI PUTRA DAN TK KARTINI BANTUL) %X The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the education sector, including the PAUD level. This phenomenon threatens the existence of PAUD institutions related to the number of students. The problem of the number of students creates problems in terms of funding and survival of PAUD institutions, as a result of the declining interest of parents to send their children to PAUD level. So it can be seen that the problem of the number of students during the Covid-19 pandemic really threatens the existence of PAUD institutions. The purpose of this study was to find an effective strategy in marketing management of PAUD educational services to increase the number of students and maintain the existence of the institution during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study seeks to evaluate the implementation of marketing education services carried out by an PAUD institution. Then, look for the best strategy in implementing the marketing management of educational services. This research belongs to the type of field research, which uses a descriptive-qualitative method with a case study approach. The research was conducted in two institutions TK ABA Mardi Putra and TK Kartini Bantul. Sources of data in this study were principals, teachers, and employees at the two schools. The initial data of this study were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model. Test the validity of the data using triangulation techniques and sources. The researcher uses the marketing mix strategy as an analytical knife because the strategy is proven to be effective in attracting the interest of consumers of educational services. The results showed that TK ABA Putra proved to be more successful in implementing marketing mix strategies than TK Kartini Bantul. Factors that influence the successful implementation of the marketing mix strategy are efforts to maintain quality and development efforts that are carried out continuously and continuously (continuously revolutionary). The implication of implementing a marketing mix strategy that is carried out optimally is to maintain the existence of the institution in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, and vice versa. So it can be concluded that the application of a continuous revolutionary marketing mix strategy can help maintain the existence of PAUD institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study are expected to contribute in the field of PAUD. This research can be a reference for PAUD institutions up to higher education levels that have problems in terms of marketing management of educational services. %K Marketing Mix, Bauran Pemasaran, PAUD, Covid-19. %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47358