@mastersthesis{digilib47363, month = {August}, title = {PERANAN ORANG TUA PADA PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH MA?ARIF DARUSSALAM PRAMBANAN}, school = {SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19204080035 Ismuhul Fadhil}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing : Dr. Ahmad Arifi, M.Ag}, keywords = {Peran Orang Tua, Pembelajaran Daring, Pendidikan Berbasis Masyarakat}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47363/}, abstract = {The implementation of online learning is inseparable from the role of parents. Parents fully contribute to the role of the main character in the creation of online learning. Therefore, this study examines several aspects of problems that exist on the ground when online learning is applied. 1) How parents play in online learning 2) How the online learning process. 3) What are the problems with online learning? The purpose of this research is to find out all the problems that exist in the field in accordance with the formulation of the problem that has been compiled. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. The subjects of this study consisted of principals, homeroom teachers, teachers, parents and students. Sources of data in this study were sourced from primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis in this study includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research that have been carried out show that: 1) The role of parents is very influential in the smooth implementation of online learning. Parents are the main characters who play a role in educating, supervising and providing online learning needs and facilities for students. 2) The online learning process at MI Ma'arif Darussalam Prambanan uses application media such as Whatsapp, google meet, Zoom, Youtube, and Google Form. The online learning process can also be seen from various teacher activities and student activities as well as the creation of a collaboration between teachers and parents into the process of implementing online learning. 3) Online learning problems include limited infrastructure, quotas and inadequate internet network} }