%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Irza Anwar Syaddad, NIM.: 19204090002 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2021 %F digilib:47368 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Utang, Piutang, Madrasah Swasta, Pembiayaan Pendidikan %P 142 %T TRANSAKSI UTANG-PIUTANG DALAM PEMBIAYAAN LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM SWASTA (STUDI KASUS DI MTS MIFTAHUL HUDA SUMBERREJO, GUNUNGWUNGKAL, PATI TAHUN AJARAN 2020-2021) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47368/ %X This research has a background in the form of the author's interest in studying debt transactions that occurred at MTs Miftahul Huda, Sumberrejo, Gunungwungkal, Pati. The basis for this interest is that there are indications of counter-productivity in institutional financing: madrasah are poor in funds, have debt, but take risks to provide loans to educators. There are three main objectives of this research, namely to investigate the causes and motives of debts that occurred at MTs Miftahul Huda; describe the flow, and the parties that play a role in the debts; and explain the impact of debt transactions on the finances of MTs Miftahul Huda. This research is a case study research using a qualitative approach. The parties who are the sources are divided into two, population, and purposive sampling. From population sources, researcher gets information about the motives for receivables, while from other sources, researcher gets information about madrasa debts. The instruments that the researcher uses are interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis method used is the Atkinson four-step method. The results of this study are: 1) the motive for the debt of MTs Miftahul Huda is to cover the lack of funds in school operations, while the cause of the debt is because the BOS funds are late in disbursing, and there are arrears of money for activities The motives for the educators' receivables are additional business capital, and cover financial shortfalls for daily needs; 2) debt transactions, especially those that occur between educators and MTs Miftahul Huda institutions, are carried out without heeding the seven principles of secure transactions; 3) transactions of debts at MTs Miftahul Huda have two impacts, namely the financial impact in the form of a decrease in the income of MTs Miftahul Huda, and the administrative impact in the form of incomplete financial reports. %Z Pembimbing : Dr. Imam Machali, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.