@mastersthesis{digilib47407, month = {August}, title = {IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KONSTRUKTIVISTIK PADA MATA PELAJARAN PAI DI SMP DAN SMA ISLAM TERPADU BAITUSSALAM (KAJIAN TEORI KI HAJAR DEWANTARA)}, school = {SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19204010067 Shira Bella}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing : Dr. KH. Muhammad Wasith Achadi, S.Ag, M.A}, keywords = {Implementasi Model Konstruktivistik, Peran Guru PAI, Ki Hajar Dewantara}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47407/}, abstract = {This research is motivated by the era of globalization that has created a change in the pattern of relationships between teachers and learners. This is seen from PAI learning in schools in general still focuses on the transfer of knowledge, to meet the demands of the curriculum and efforts to improve grades during exams. Teachers are only results-oriented, not on meaningfulness in even global society. Learning like this is felt only requires learners at a more dominant level of remembering, without evaluating in solving a problem. Because it was found smpit baitussalam learners who have not dared to become imams of prayer. While at SMAIT Baitussalam found students who have not dared to bathe the body, even though all the material has been studied in class. This research aims to find out the implementation of constructivistic learning models in PAI subjects, the role of PAI teachers and the comparison of effects in the application of constructivistic models in SMPIT and SMAIT Baitussalam according to Ki Hajar Dewantara Theory. This research uses a qualitative approach to phenomenological types. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. Data collection with observations, interviews and documentation. The study subjects were determined by samples taken using purposive sampling techniques. Data analysis by data reduction, presentation of data and withdrawal of conclusions. Validity of data by trianggulation of data. The results showed: (1) Implementation of the constructivistic model of SMPIT Baitussalam falls into the category of good, while SMAIT Baitussalam is sufficient, starting from the stages of planning, implementation and evaluation. In the selection of constructivistic models, SMPIT Baitussalam uses CTL, while SMAIT Baitussalam uses Discovery and project base learning. (2) The role of PAI teachers as organizers, monitorers, facilitators and evaluators, SMPIT Baitussalam has done well but experienced obstacles such as lack of infrastructure facilities, then it can be said that the role of teachers as facilitators has not been implemented properly. While SMAIT Baitussalam also experienced obstacles such as lack of infrastructure and time facilities, it can be said that the role of teachers as organizers and facilitators has not been implemented properly. (3) Comparison of effects directly seen from the results of PAI subject values, namely SMPIT 91.33, and SMAIT 88.67. Indirect effects are seen in terms of negative and positive from its application. Effects can also be seen from the objectives of education, teaching, learners and assessment} }