@mastersthesis{digilib47575, month = {July}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR IML{\=A}? MODEL DEDUKTIF DI KELAS MATRIKULASI SMA IT BAITUSSALAM PRAMBANAN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM: 18204021021 Hairul Amri}, year = {2021}, note = {Dr. H. Tulus Musthofa, Lc. MA.}, keywords = {Teaching Materials Development, The principle of Iml{\=a}?, Deductive Teaching Model.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47575/}, abstract = {This research is motivated by the issue of students skill differences to write Iml{\=a}?. On the other side, students also do not have the proper teaching materials as the guidance to learn Iml{\=a}?. In order to resolve the issue, the researcher comes with the matriculation class program to make the equality of the students skill to learn Iml{\=a}?. The researcher develop the program in the form of teaching materials product which can fulfill the students need of learning Iml{\=a}? as the solution of the teaching materials gap on the learning the Iml{\=a}?. The development concept of the Iml{\=a}? teaching materials in the matriculation class of SMA IT Baitussalam is by adjusting the skill level of the students and the materials will be given from the very basic to the advance level. The goals of the research are, 1) develop the Iml{\=a}? teaching materials concept which suit for the matriculation class of SMA IT Baitussalam Prambanan, 2) discover the Iml{\=a}? teaching materials with deductive model for the matriculation class of SMA IT Baitussalam Prambanan compatibility, and 3) the effectiveness rate of the Iml{\=a}? teaching materials with deductive model for the matriculation class of SMA IT Baitussalam Prambanan. The final expert appraisal of the teaching materials shows that the teaching materials which develop is on the worthy qualification and does not need to revise. While the results of the effectiveness of teaching activity are based on pre-test and post-test score which come with the worthy qualification. The field trial results with the total of 30 samples of participants, the pre-test average score is 34,17\%, while the post-test result after the inductive method applied got the average result score with 70\%. The product effectiveness trial test by N-Gain score got the qualification of 60\%, which can be interpreted this result is worthy to be use as the Iml{\=a}? learning method. Based on the result, the conclusion is all of the students get improvements of learning Iml{\=a}? by using the Iml{\=a}? deductive model learning materials in matriculation class of SMA IT Baitussalam Prambanan.} }