%A NIM : 18204021023 Syarifah Layli %O Dr. Dailatus Syamsiyah, S.Ag., M.Ag %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN E-MODUL KALIGRAFI UNTUK KEMAHIRAN KITÂBAH DAN KREATIFITAS SISWA KELAS X SMA MUHAMMADIYAH BOARDING SCHOOL YOGYAKARTA %X This development research aims to find out how the concept of making e-calligraphy module which aims to improve the skills of writing and improving the rules imlaiyah of students and to find out student responses to this teaching material. This research is a development research or R & D and it uses a model development of Borg and Gall which consists of 10 steps, namely potential, problem, gathering data, product design, design validation, design revision, product trial, product revision, trial usage, product revision, and mass production. This learning media product has been validated by experts of materials, media experts, peer reviewers (calligraphy teachers) and 15 students of class X PPM MBSYogyakarta. The instrument is a questionnaire to see the quality of the product, test, and student response questionnaire to see the responses of students to this media. Validation results from media experts are very good, with an ideal percentage of 93%, according to material experts, good result is with a percentage of 81%, and according to peer reviewers, that is Good results with a percentage of 81% from 100%. In addition, the result of this implementation of the product is good score from the students' average pre-test score of 48.5 and post-test score of 93.Based on the results of the assessment above, it can be stated that the e learning media in calligraphy module for increasing the maharah kitabah and this creativity could be accepted and used in calligraphy learning. %K Development Research, Calligraphy Learning, e-module, maharah kitabah %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47576