%A NIM.: 17107010113 Rahmanisa Murtaja Naswariski %O Pembimbing : Rita Setyani Hadi Sukirno, M.Psi. %T PROSES SELF HEALING PADA REMAJA PEREMPUAN YANG TELAH MELAKUKAN HUBUNGAN SEKSUAL PRA-NIKAH %X The psychological condition of a person has an influence on his physical condition and productivity as an induvidual. Adolescent who have premarital sex and feel negative emotions due to their actions need to restore their mental state to be able to feel inner peace and to be able to return to productivity. Self-healing is a way that can be done by induviduals to restore mental health in themselves after an unpleasant incident. This study aims to explore more deeply related to the description of the self-healing process in adolescent girls who have had premarital sexual relations so that they can resume their lives. This Research is using qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The process of collecting data using semi-structured interviews to five informants obtained using purposive sampling method with predetermined criteria. These criteria include; (1) Adolescent girls aged 10 – 22 years and unmarried, (2) Domiciled in the city of Yogyakarta, (3) Have had premarital sexual intercourse, (4) Willing to be an informant in the study. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that self-healing of each informant is different from one another. Awareness to recover, telling stories, feeling what happened was not entirely her fault, seeking for help, self confidance, accaptance, self-talk, writing, spirituality, and doing activities are a way of doing things in minimizing the negative emotions present and assisting adolescent girls in restoring their mental health after having premarital sex. %K Hubungan Seksual Pra Nikah, Emosi Negatif, Self Healing %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47642