@mastersthesis{digilib47697, month = {September}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN VIDEO ANIMASI SCRIBE BERTEMA ADAB MAKAN, MINUM, TIDUR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERKEMBANGAN NILAI AGAMA DAN MORAL DI BA ?AISYIYAH GESIKAN KLATEN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM: 17204030036 Khairiyyah Titi Wahyu Adibah}, year = {2019}, note = {Dr. Suyadi, S.Ag., M.A.}, keywords = {Development, Scribe Animated, Religious and Moral Values}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47697/}, abstract = {Research on the development ofanimation video scribe thisis motivated by daily moral learning, especially eating, drinking, and sleeping less attention. In addition, there is noanimated video media scribe that can motivate children in moral behavior, especially eating, drinking, and sleeping. Throughanimated video scribe of children can recognize, mention, differentiate, and practice eating, drinking, and sleeping habits so that they can be a stimulus in increasing children's religious and moral values. The development ofanimated video media scribe aims to 1) develop models and designs ofanimated video media scribe about the eating, drinking and sleeping habits to improve aspects of the development of religious and moral values in children in BA 'Aisyiyah Gesikan Klaten. 2) testing the effectiveness of the model and design of theanimation video media scribehabits to improve about the eating, drinking, sleepingaspects of the development of religious and moral values in children in BA 'Aisyiyah Gesikan Klaten. To achieve the above objectives, educational research is used in the form ofresearch Research and Development (RnD) by using two types of data namely qualitative data and quantitative data. The development of instructional media refers to themodel Borg and Gall using six steps in its development. The results of the development of theanimation video learning media scribe meet the very valid criteria with the results of the material test reaching 96\% validity, media design experts reaching 94\% validity, and linguists reaching 88\% validity. This shows that theanimation video media is scribe effective and interesting. Whereas in the application of learning in class, the pre-test results of students got 62.86\% and the post-test results of students got a value of 87.14\%. Based on the analysis using the t-test produces thitung 15.28 and ttabel 1.771 which means thitung{\ensuremath{>}} ttabel. So it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the level of ability of religious and moral values of children of group A BA 'Aisyiyah Gesikan Klaten before and after usinganimation video media scribe. The advice given is based on the results of the development of theanimation video scribe media, it is hoped that this media can be developed with themes and materials other than eating, drinking, and sleeping, especially in aspects of the development of children's religious and moral values.} }