%A NIM : 17204031005 DEWI PURNAMA SARI %O Dr. Khamim Zarkasih Putro, M.Si. %T PEMBELAJARAN HURUF HIJAIYAH DALAM PENDEKATAN SENTRA AGAMA DAN KELOMPOK DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK (Studi Komparatif di Di TK Islam Buah Hati Kita, Bentakan, Danguran Klaten Jawa Tengah Dan BA Aisyiyah Gesikan Gantiwarno, Klaten) %X The importance of learning Hijaiyah letters is one of the basic competencies that children must have in order to be able to read the Qur'an and be the basis for conducting research. The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of Hijaiyah letter learning, effectiveness in learning Hijaiyah letters, supporting factors and inhibiting learning. The study uses qualitative methods with the type of field research in the form of comparative descriptive analysis of activities. The research was conducted by collecting data through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Then the data is verified by using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results of the study show: At the Kindergarten Islamic School of Our Hearts, Bentakan, Danguran, Klaten, Central Java, the implementation of Hijaiyah learning using the iqro method and before ustazah uses media that has been prepared, ustazah conditions children by playing games, invites children to talk about themes on the day that, then introduces the game that will be done by the child and provides the rules of the game. while in the group approach at TK BA Aisyiyah Gesikan Gantiwarno, Klaten. The method used is iqro, which is done in the morning, and writing activities are carried out every Friday, contained in the lesson plan, preparing class settings so that children are comfortable learning, preparing media to be used in learning, and preparing observation sheets for assess the ability to read Hijaiyah letters of children. So that the implementation of good Hijaiyah learning is applied using the center of religion approach, because learning is child-centered, so that children become active, varied learning that can attract children's interests, and the level of concentration of the child becomes better. Thus the results can be obtained that the level of effectiveness of Hijaiyah learning in the approach of religious centers and groups is more effective if done at a religious center based on the learning process and the results achieved by children. %K Hijaiyah Letter Learning, Centers and Groups %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47699