%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Cut Citra Novita, NIM.: 19204030058 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2021 %F digilib:47832 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Buku Cerita Adab, Read ALoud Digital, Pembentukan Karakter %P 228 %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA BUKU CERITA ADAB BERBASIS READ ALOUD DIGITAL UNTUK MEMBENTUK KARAKTER ANAK USIA DINI %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47832/ %X This research was motivated by the importance of digital literacy as achallenges to think more critically and creatively for Alpha generations. Sophisticated technology impact on the personality character of students. So that the recommended good manners Rasulullah SAW and the noble values of the nation do not decline, so the use of literacy technology digital, must be used wisely and under parental supervision, because there are many spectacle that should not be seen by children but can be accessed easily.In addition, digital read aloud-based adab story books are here so that children have a filter to keep up personality according to religious teachings and noble values of the nation. This study aims to 1) Analyze why is the using of courtesy story book media based of digital read aloud can shape the pupils character. 2) Describe the process of developing the read aloud adab storybook media development digital using the Sugiyono model in the 365 day Learning Management System Online Program Darul Arifin Jambi. 3) Knowing the impact of using storybook media read aloud based adab to form early childhood characters in Online Programs 365 Days Learning Management System Darul Arifin Jambi. This research was a type of research development (Research Development). by using the development model according to Sugiyono which consists of seven step. In this development research, it produces a product in the form of an adab story book based on digital read aloud as teaching materials to shape the character of early childhood in Darul Arifin Jambi 365 days Learning Management System Online Program. Product development of digital read aloud based storybook media, assessed validity by linguists with an average score of 92% in the very feasible category, and media expert assessment obtained an average score of 85.3% with a very decent category. Based on the analysis and validity test of the data used, by triangulationtechnique and data triangulation on the adab point-point checklist, it looks like the child is capableimplement well through assistance from parents. Book media development a digital read-aloud-based adab story has succeeded in forming an independent, responsible character responsibility and maintain cleanliness in early childhood in the 365 Day Learning Online Program Management System Darul Arifin Jambi. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. H. Suyadi, MA