relation: title: KANONISASI AL-KAFI KARYA AL-KULAINI ANALISIS HISTORIS DAN METODOLOGIS creator: Kharis Nugroho, NIM.: 1430016026 subject: Studi Islam subject: Islam dan Pemikiran subject: Qur'an Hadis description: This study discusses the history of the authority of the kitab al- Kāfī in the canonization frame. The authority of a religious text is not formed instantly, but there are factors behind it, like the kitab al-Kāfī, which is the best book of hadith among the kutub al-arba'ah in the Shia community. These factors involve many parties and run for a long time. This canonization study is a literature study using a qualitative historic approach. To see the process of canonizing the authority of kitab Al-Kāfī, this study uses Keith Ward's theory about the periodization of the development of religious scriptures in the world. The study reached three conclusions. First, lacking hadith literatures in the fourth century, Shia published a book Al-Kāfī from which high authority was gained for the book was badly needed by its people. Besides, the intense introduction of it by Shia clerics, in particular those from Akhbāriah sect, made hadiths of Al-Kāfī sacred. The position of Kulaini as marja’ taqlid and the perfection of its writing systematic strengthened its authority. Imam al-Mahdi through his messenger acknowledged and said that the book had sufficiently met Shia people’s need. Second, there was a support for canonization from the sovereigns – the Buwaihiah during mutaqaddimīn era, the Ṣafawiah during mutaakhkhirīn era and the mu’asirīn from the Republic of Iran Shia were among others. Third, the validity of Al- Kāfī was closely related to Uṣūliah clerics’ polemic and criticism that came to a conclusion that some hadiths in the book were not valid. The discourse eventually boosted books of hadiths in Shia community. From the study of the canonization of the Al-Kāfī book, the author gets an conclusion that the discourse on the development of the authority of religious books cannot be separated from the role of scholars and rulers. Because there is a role for scholars and rulers, it cannot be separated from the political element and the opportunity for falsification authority of the truth of a text is opened. date: 2021-10-26 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Kharis Nugroho, NIM.: 1430016026 (2021) KANONISASI AL-KAFI KARYA AL-KULAINI ANALISIS HISTORIS DAN METODOLOGIS. Doctoral thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.