%A Diah Ajeng Purwani %T UNSUR PEMBERDAYAAN YOUNG SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS YOGYAKARTA DI ERA DIGITAL %X The current dynamic of world and market is influenced by three sub-cultures namely Youth, Women, and Netizen (YWN). YWN presents the new subculture in the connectivity era because it has been capable of influencing people, creating trend, style, and things which considered cool by the environment. In the context of ASEAN Economic Community, the millennial generation will hold important roles because the population of ASEAN (10 countries) is 625 million people and 40.3% of them are Indonesian (255.5 million people). It means that from 84-million millennials, 23% of ASEAN youths are in Indonesia. The empowerment towards community especially youngsters will certainly implement different methods if seen from the phenomenon. In recent years, the number of young social entrepreneurs in Indonesia has increased. One of the factors that triggers the birth of the community of young social entrepreneurs is the development of technology world especially the internet. Data showed that many social entrepreneurs did not survive the first three years. Based on that issue, the problem formulation proposed in this research was "what is the implementation of empowerments conducted by young social entrepreneurs Yogyakarta in digital era?" The empowerment in digital world through new media especially Facebook and Instagram; has become the main focus which being studied in this research. The development of community from online to offline which established through new media also used to discover the element of empowerment in digital world. This research was a qualitative research with the application of virtual ethnography to discover the elements of empowerment in digital world. The record/documentation of virtual communication activities conducted in social media was used as primary data. The researcher recorded and documented the communication activities of young social entrepreneurs in virtual world especially in social media of Facebook and Instagram. The data filtering in Facebook and Instagram was conducted repetitively to achieve the accurate results of final analysis. The stage of validity test in virtual world was referring to Saukko, namely truthfulness, self-reflexivity, and polyvocality. This research has discovered 7 elements used to conduct empowerment through digital world. The first is brand story in which there are stories behind the product and the process undergone by them. The second is brand mission which meant to share regarding mission of young social entrepreneurs. The third, sample product. The fourth is community development in which the performed developments include socialization, invitation, recruitment, volunteering, information of activity until the meeting of stakeholders. The fifth is mixed media in which young social entrepreneurs apply various media to complete each other because media are considered as having strengths to conduct implementation in educating the community. The sixth is memorable content and packaging, namely managing the contents in creative and consistent manners. Starting from the proper time to post, the consistency of time towards the contents which will be uploaded. The last elements is differentiation, making something different from what has been existed and start focusing on working certain segments. Keywords: empowerment, digital world %D 2019 %K empowerment; digital world; new media; Instagram; Facebook %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48101