%A - Noorhaidi Hasan %T Introduction Ulama and The Nation State - Comprehending the Future of Political Islam in Indonesia %X This book derives from research conducted in fifteen Indonesian cities and aims to provide an overview of the perceptions and views of contemporary Indonesian ulama on the nation-state format and system. The significance of this research is not only to understand the position of contemporary Indonesian ulama dealing with nation-state but also to analyze the direction and challenges facing Indonesia in the context of the strengthening influence of political Islam in this predominantly Muslim country. It should be noted that ulama are important figures who characterize the religious, social, political and national dynamics of Indonesia from time to time. Since colonial times, they have played an active role in introducing religious discourse, modernity and national ideas (Azra 2004; Laffan 2004). Before the Indonesian independence, they even appeared as the pillars of teachers and layers of the foundation of Indonesia’s national ideology. Important figures like K.H. Wahid Hasyim (NU), Ki Bagus Hadikusumo (Muhammadiyah) and Kasman Singodimejo (Masyumi), to name a few, were involved in the sessions of the Preparatory Investigation Board for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) and the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) which encouraged negotiations which eventually led to Pancasila being confirmed as Indonesia’s national principle %K Ulama; Nation State; Politik Islam %P 1-12 %B ULAMA AND THE NATION-STATE: Comprehending the Future of Political Islam in Indonesia %D 2019 %C Jakarta %I PPIM UIN Jakarta %L digilib48217