%A NIM.: 19202010017 Anja Kusuma Atmaja %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hamdan Daulay, M.SI., M.A. %T KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH GURU KAMPONG (STUDI KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH GURU ZUHRI DAN GURU HAMZAH DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN NILAI-NILAI ISLAM TRADISIONAL PADA MASYARAKAT BANGKA) %X Da'wah communication is a process of giving and conveying information, a message that is from one person, several groups of people and even more, other groups of people by referring to the source and based on the book of the Qur'an and hadith that uses a certain style, namely through verbal means. as well as non-verbally which has the aim of changing the attitudes, opinions or behavior of others for the better, as the teachings of Islam, either directly, orally, or also indirectly and also through certain media. The goal to be achieved in this research is to find out how the process of implementing da'wah communication carried out by village teachers in Bangka, through their studies in the community, so that they become role models in the community and become role models in the social life of traditional Islamic communities in Bangka. This research is a case study research with qualitative descriptive method/critical analysis. The research subjects in this study were the Kampong Teachers in Bangka, namely Guru Zuhri and Guru Hamzah, and the congregation who attended the recitation conducted by the village teachers, while the object of the research was Da'wah communication and its role in traditional Islamic society in Bangka. The data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis techniques on data in the form of information, descriptions in prose language which is then linked to other data to obtain clarity of a truth. Based on the results of the research that the author did, it can be concluded that the existence of this village teacher, which the author then deepened on the two village teacher figures from Bangka, namely Guru Zuhri and Guru Hamzah, was an oasis in the middle of a barren desert. The life of society, as we all know that when materialism began to become a guide, the true nature of life's purpose has been lost. The participation shown by village teachers in their daily lives who dedicate themselves to the people of Bangka is an effort to restore the spirit of Islam that makes people more meaningful in life as a gift from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala that must be guarded and accounted for. %K Komunikasi Dakwah, Guru Kampong, Masyarakat Islam Bangka. %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48330