%A NIM: 17107030068 Irkhas Febri Pranyoto %O Drs. Bono Setyo M.Si %T PENGARUH KEPUASAN KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI TERHADAP MOTIVASI KERJA KARYAWAN (Survey pada karyawan PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja) %X Organizational communication satisfaction felt by employees has a significant impact. The higher the level of perceived satisfaction, the higher the work motivation of existing employees. As a company, PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja is part of the Yogyakarta tourism icon. Dagadu builds its organizational communication with Smile, Smart, & Djokdja values with more flexible and harmonious communication outputs. The perceived communication satisfaction is certainly relatively high so that it can increase employee motivation in the company. This study aims to explain the effect of organizational communication satisfaction on employee motivation at PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja. This study uses human relations theory with quantitative methods and simple regression analysis techniques. Involving a sample of 75 respondents with total sampling technique. The results showed that organizational communication satisfaction had an effect on employee motivation. The percentage influence of organizational communication satisfaction variable is 51.7% and 48.3% is caused by other factors. %K human relations theory, organizational communication satisfaction, employee motivation, PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48370