%A NIM.: 19208012045 Nunuk Khomariyah %O Pembimbing: Dr. Taosige Wau, S.E., M.Si %T HUBUNGAN CASHLESS DENGAN PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI INDONESIA PERIODE 2009-2020 DENGAN ANALISIS VECTOR AUTOREGRESSION (VAR) %X This study seeks to see the relationship between cashless payment systems and economic growth in the short or long term. The variables used by the researchers are Card Payment Instruments (APMK) originating from debit card and credit card transactions, e-money and economic growth for the period 2009 to 2020. The research analysis method used is Vector Autoregression with the results of the research showing that in the long term short APMK significantly positive effect on economic growth and economic growth significantly positive effect on CBPI as well as e-money on AMPK. The same thing in the long term APMK has a significant positive effect on economic growth. While the e-money variable in the short term has a significant negative effect on economic growth, but economic growth has no significant effect on e-money. In the long term, e-money has a significant positive effect on economic growth %K APMK, E-Money, Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48446