%A NIM.: 14710040 Loh Mahfud Sidiq %O Pembimbing: Very Julianto, M.Psi %T FRUSTRASI, STRES DAN INTOLERANSI KETIDAKPASTIAN PANDEMI COVID-19 %X This study aims to determine the relationship between frustration and stress with intolerance of uncertainty. The subjects of this study are tour guides in D.I. Yogyakarta as many as 206 people. The instruments were the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS), the Frustration Discomfort Scale (FDS), and DASS-21. The data analyzed using multivariate analysis. The results of this study indicate a positive and significant relationship between frustration and stress with intolerance of uncertainty. The result of data analysis shows that the level of significance at 0,000 and the correlation coefficient value of frustration is 0,408 and 0,517 for stress. The higher the frustration and stress of a person, the higher the intolerance of uncertainty. %K Intoleransi Ketidakpastian, Frustrasi, Stres, Pandemi COVID-19 %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48558