%A NIM.: 17204010104 Kanisa Ayu Juliana %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Mahmud Arif, M.Ag %T INTERNALISASI JIHAD UNTUK PELAJAR MUHAMMADIYAH (ANALISIS BUKU FIKIH KELAS VII DI MUHAMMADIYAH BOARDING SCHOOL YOGYAKARTA) %X Boarding school-based educational institutions experience significant development every year. One of the boarding education institutions development is the Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Prambanan Yogyakarta. The curriculum consists of various religious subjects, one of which is Fiqh. Religious materials such as fiqh were important to be practiced, given that students' understanding of the seriousness of learning through social media had to be implemented. This thesis aims to see (1) What are the values of jihad in fiqh teaching materials for students of VII MBS. (2) How to internalize Jihad in fiqh teaching materials for class VII MBS students. (3) How teachers implement the Jihad concept in class VII MBS. This research was conducted at the Muhamadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta by using a type of qualitative research that is literature study. This type of research is used to analyze data by collecting library data sources, interviews, both primary and secondary. The object of this research is fiqh textbook for class VII MBS Yogyakarta. While the subjects of this study were teachers and students of class VII at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The data collection techniques in this study were interviews and documentation. After that, the researcher conducted data reduction and data presentation to draw a conclusion or decision obtained from the data. The results of this study show (1) Jihad Values in Fiqh Teaching Materials for Students VII Muhammadiyah Boarding School that the meaning of jihad in fiqh textbooks is that students are able to believe in the importance of purification as a condition for carrying out worship, live up to the values of purification, purify before performing worship. as well as maintaining the health of water sources, washing / purification with holy water and maintaining the sanctity of places that are crowded with people. (2) The internalization of jihad in fiqh teaching materials for class VII MBS Yogyakarta students in was seen from student appreciation efforts by the class teacher asking a question that was able to sharpen students' appreciation and analysis. The value of jihad is internalized from the habit of fardhu prayers in the form of the value of faith, the value of piety, the value of humility and the value of cleanliness. The internalization of jihad is also seen from the method of habituation of students in praying in congregation. (3) Implementation of Jihad Concept Learning by Teachers in Class VII MBS that in understanding the concept of jihad in fiqh learning ideally the teacher should also understand the concept of jihad first before giving the material to students. This shows that teachers at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta in jihad must always be accompanied by a careful attitude, thoroughness, accuracy and pride in the quality of work. ok, keep doing worship every where %K Internalisasi Jihad, Buku Fikih, Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48661