%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Ary Verawati, NIM.: 17204021008 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2021 %F digilib:48663 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Disiplin Belajar, Fasilitas Belajar, Hasil Belajar Bahasa Arab, Motivasi Belajar. %P 203 %T PENGARUH DISIPLIN DAN FASILITAS BELAJAR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MELALUI MOTIVASI BELAJAR PADA KELAS TAKHASUS DI MADRASAH IBNUL QOYYIM YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/48663/ %X The Ibnul Qoyyim Islamic boarding school has a special program for SMP or MTS students from outside the Ibnul Qoyyim Islamic boarding school if they want to study at the Ibnul Qoyyim Putri Islamic Boarding School. This program is a preparatory class for regular classes,this program was held with a one-year study period where students from outside Ibnul Qoyyim must learn Arabic and English first. This class is called the Takhasus class or preparatory class for new students from outside MTS Ibnul Qoyyim. Students who take special classes are expected to have maximum learning outcomes. The results of learning Arabic, especially those that are expected, are usually in the form of good and optimal learning achievements which are seen from the scores that students get. However, the achievement of learning outcomes has not been maximized. The purpose of this study in general is to measure the coefficient of the influence of learning discipline and learning facilities on student learning outcomes through student motivation in the special class program at the Ibnu Qoyyim Putri Islamic Boarding School, Yogyakarta. This research is quantitative research, using a quantitative descriptive method. The data collection techniques used were tests and questionnaires, while the data analysis techniques used were descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, path analysis, and Sobel test. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of learning facilities on student learning outcomes of 19.2%. There is a significant influence of learning discipline on student learning outcomes of 20.8%. There is a significant effect of learning facilities on learning motivation of 47.7%. there is a significant effect of learning discipline on learning motivation of 45.7%. And there is a significant influence between learning motivation on learning outcomes 59.2%. In this study, it is recommended to improve student learning discipline, obey school rules and motivate themselves to be more active in learning, schools further improve school facilities to support the teaching and learning process, increase student motivation, and with complete and adequate facilities will make it easier for teachers to teach later. will affect student learning outcomes. One of them is by making the class stay active, it is better to use electronic media that has been provided by the school. In addition, presenting native speakers directly so that students can compare their understanding of Arabic. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Muhammad Jafar Shodiq, S.Pd.I.,M.S.I