%A NIM.: 17204030007 Yuning Eka Rahma Wati, S.Pd. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Eva Latipah, M.Si %T STIMULASI PERKEMBANGAN MOTORIK KASAR ANAK MELALUI KEGIATAN DRUMBAND DI SAFA ISLAMIC PRESCHOOL AND DAY CARE YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims to answer questions, namely: First, to find out the gross motor stimulation of children through drum band activities at Safa Islamic Preschool and Day Care Yogyakarta; Second, to determine the characteristics of drum band activities used to stimulate children's motor development at Safa Islamic Preschool and Day Care Yogyakarta.This type of research is field research on qualitative descriptive methods. The subjects in this study were Drumband Coach, Principal, and Kindergarten Teacher. Data collection techniques are carried out by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation. Qualitative data analysis method by reducing data, then presenting data and concluding. The results of this study indicate that: First, drum band activities at Safa Islamic Preschool and Day Care Yogyakarta can stimulate children's gross motor development which is carried out by carrying out coordinated body movements which are carried out in the form of drum band activities. This activity is carried out every Monday at 11.00 WIB.; Second, the characteristics of drum band activities to stimulate gross motor development of early childhood at Safa Islamic Preschool and Day Care Yogyakarta; Third, there are several supporting factors and inhibiting factors found in the drumband training, namely the problem and the lack of accompanying teachers and also the timing of drumband activities, incomplete personnel, and children who are less focused in receiving the material. From the results of the above research can be concluded that drumband activities can help stimulate the development of rough motor in children through several factors. But in addition to optimizing the development of rough motor children need to be considered some obstacles that occur so that the stimulation of children's motor development can develop optimally. %K Stimulasi, Motrik Kasar, Drumband, Anak Usia Dini. %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48664