%A NIM.: 19204010017 Widia Putri %O Pembimbing: Dr. Sigit Purnama, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. %T ISLAMIC PARENTING ORANG TUA KARIR DALAM PENANAMAN NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI KOTA LUBUKLINGGAU %X The instinct of parenting has been inspired by God in every parent without exception. Even so, never assume that in terms of raising and educating children is an easy job. Most parents out there who care for and educate children by relying solely on instinct and do not want to learn more. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the Islamic Parenting of career and non-career parents in instilling the values of Islamic education in children. The type of research used in this research isfield research using qualitative research methods. Qualitative research was conducted; by taking the case of parents in Muara Enim Lubuklinggau Village. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in this case is done by examining all data and reducing it. The validity of the data was checked by using source triangulation and method triangulation. The results showed that: 1) Islamic parenting is an important practice for career and non-career parents in the family. Parents are aware of and apply Islamic values in their daily family life. They believe that children who have strong Islamic foundations will be ready to face challenges in the era of globalization. 2) The majority of parents educate their own children at home by implementing Islamic parenting in the family, providing a comprehensive Islamic education by including them in trusted formal and non-formal institutions, which implement the Islamic education system as well as possible. 3) the impact in its application is positive and there is also negative. Positive impact: children become more disciplined and organized, Islamic education implanted can become a strong foundation for children's lives. Negative impact: children feel distant from their parents because their parents are busy at work, children feel indifferent to their family. %K Islamic Parenting, Orang Tua Karir dan Non Karir, Pendidikan Islam %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48689