@mastersthesis{digilib48710, month = {October}, title = {PENDEKATAN HUMANISTIK GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM MENINGKATKAN SIKAP TOLERANSI BERAGAMA PESERTA DIDIK DI SMPN 5 BONAI DARUSSALAM}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19204010053 Rahmat S.Pd}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Sangkot Sirait, M.Ag}, keywords = {Pendekatan Humanistik, Pendidikan Agama Islam, Sikap Toleransi Beragama}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/48710/}, abstract = {The background of this research problem is that there are still many problems in the practice of learning Islamic religious education that are still found focusing on the cognitive domain which forces students to memorize material only and ignores affective coaching which is practiced by students in everyday life. day. This is because teachers still apply conventional teaching methods, namely teaching and providing memorization to students. in schools that focus on cognitive aspects of a theoretical nature as a goal in determining the success of students, the ability and determination to practice students' religious tolerance. Tolerance is following the rules in which one can respect, respect the behavior and awareness of others. Ideally, someone who has a good understanding of religion will be in harmony with his behavior, but in practice there is still behavior that is not in line and even deviates from religious knowledge because it focuses on the learning provided is cognitive theoretical. Based on this problem, it is necessary to conduct further research on the humanistic approach of Islamic religious education teachers in schools in its implications for increasing the religious tolerance of students. This type of research is a qualitative research with a humanistic psychology approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. While the research data were analyzed using qualitative, namely data redaction, data presentation, verification, and conclusions. The data validity test in this study is data triangulation, namely technical triangulation, source triangulation, and time triangulation. The results of the research are: first, the implementation of the interaction of the humanistic approach of Islamic religious education teachers at SMPN 5 Bonai Darusslam is carried out during the KBM process for Islamic religious education and is also applied outside of learning hours, namely religious activities. The humanistic approach of Islamic religious education teachers at SMPN 5 Bonai Darussalam begins by approaching students both personally and in groups. This application in the learning process through the preparation of lesson plans, getting used to prayer before starting learning and the end of learning, explaining the material with the help of learning strategies and media, providing open opportunities for all students to ask questions, express opinions, provide advice and motivation because the teacher is here as a motivator for students and as a motivator. daily role models and provide an evaluation of the extent to which students understand the material understood by students. Both humanistic approaches have implications for increasing students' religious tolerance, which is reflected in the attitude of recognizing aspects of peace, aspects of respecting differences and aspects of awareness. The three advantages of the humanistic approach of Islamic religious education teachers at SMPN 5 Bonai Darussalam in increasing students' religious tolerance are the ability to interact, communicate and have fun habituation patterns carried out by Islamic religious education teachers in mingling and supporting students. This is supported by several other factors, such as religion, good cooperation between Islamic religious education teachers and all elements of the school. The shortcomings that affect are differences in student backgrounds, differences in educational approaches and facilities and infrastructure that are still under repair.} }