%A NIM.: 19204010114 Sri Rahayu Lestari %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Sutrisno, M.Ag %T PEMIKIRAN BACHARUDDIN JUSUF HABIBIE TENTANG PENDIDIKAN ISLAM %X Along with the times, various complex problems have emerged, especially in the field of education. Problems arise and develop, such as the low quality of education in general, problems with the education budget, uneven opportunities for education, and the high budget for education. And more specifically, the problem lies in the teaching profession who is the spearhead in the world of education. Some of these problems include the low quality of educators, and the lack of professionals in the implementation of learning in their duties as educators. This study aims to understand, describe, explore, and construct Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie's thoughts in the field of Islamic education. This research is included in the category of library research, namely by tracing the thoughts of Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie through his various intellectual works as primary data. While secondary data is obtained from writings and documents about his thoughts from literary media such as books, journals, and other data obtained through online and offline media. The data collection technique is documentation. While the data analysis technique is Content Analysis. The results of the study show that Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie's thoughts in the field of education have succeeded in implementing an educational institution for Insan Scholar who was born from BPPT which was formerly known as Magnet School until it became (MAN IC). The Insan Scholar Institute is the fruit of its idea of realizing an education that integrates science and technology (science) and IMTAK (faith and piety). For B.J Habibie, general education cannot be separated from religious knowledge. With a view of progress in the fields of technology and science, a revival in Islamic education can be achieved. And the researchers found that the factors that influenced the thinking of B.J Habibie were character, faith, faith, piety, studying, his ideology as a generation of development, his ideology as a scientist and his ideology as a leader. %K Pemikiran, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Pendidikan %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48721