%A NIM.: 19204010122 Khoiri Mustafa %O Pembimbing: Sibawaihi, M.Si., Ph.D %T PERAN PARTAI POLITIK DALAM MEMAJUKAN PENDIDIKAN ANALISIS PERAN PARTAI GOLKAR DALAM PROGRAM INSENTIF GURU MADRASAH DI KEMENTERIAN AGAMA KABUPATEN BANTUL. %X The problem of teacher welfare is a crucial problem that must be resolved immediately. Various parties must be involved in finding solutions to these problems. Including political parties that are the mouthpiece of the people in a democratic system. The Golkar Party is one of the major parties with a large number of supporters. As a political party with a large mass of people, the Golkar party must be involved in finding a solution through effective policies to improve the welfare of madrasa teachers. The formulation of the problem in this study are 1) What is the role of the Golkar party in the Madrasah Teacher Incentive Social Program in Bantul Regency and 2) Why does the Golkar party play a role in the Madrasah Teacher Incentive Social Program in Bantul Regency? This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis technique. The method of data collection is done by interview and documentation. Interviews were conducted with the head of the Golkar Party DPD in Bantul Regency, Head of the Ministry of Religion in Bantul Regency, madrasa teachers in Bantul Regency, and school principals in Bantul Regency, while the documents used in the study were documents related to madrasa teacher incentive policies such as Decrees, regional regulations on madrasa teacher incentives and other related supporting documents. The results of this study indicate that 1) the Golkar Party plays a very important role in the madrasa teacher incentive program. There is a main role of the Golkar Party in the madrasa teacher incentive program, namely the role of the Golkar Party in the party aspect and the role in the aspect of being a people's representative in the legislature. 2) The reason the Golkar party plays a role in the madrasa teacher incentive program is due to two reasons, namely first, wanting to improve the welfare of teachers which is still very low and carrying out the vision of the Golkar party, namely wanting to prosper the community. %K Partai Politik, Peran Partai Politik, Kebijakan Pendidikan, Insentif Guru Madarsah, Peran Partai Politik dalam kebijakan Pendidikan %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48763