%A NIM.: 19204022009 Farhati Maulida %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hj. R. Umi Baroroh, M. Ag %T PENGEMBANGAN MODUL MAHARAH AL-KALAM DALAM PEMBELAJAREAN BAHASA ARAB DENGAN BUKU METODE TAMYIZ DI PONDOK PESANTREN MODEREN AL-FALAH SONGGOM BREBES %X Arabic Learning with Tamyiz books teaches the method of quickly reading the yellow book and translating the Qur'an. The majority students are able to read the yellow book but find it difficult to practice speaking Arabic. The aims of this research are (1) to find out development of the Mahãrah Al-kalãm module in Arabic learning with Tamyiz books at Al-Falah Songgom Modern Islamic Boarding School Brebes; and (2) to find out material expert, media expert and teacher responses to the development of the Mahãrah Al-kalam module; and (3) to find out student responses to the development of the Mahãrah Al-kalam module. This study uses the Research & Development research method (R&D) with field study research type. Data collection on research carried out using questionnaire techniques, semi-structured interviews, and observations. The participants of this study consisted of the head of the boarding school, the teachers, material expert validators, media expert validators, and Al-Falah High School students. The results of research on the Development of the Mahãrah Al-kalãm in Arabic Learning Module with the Tamyiz Method Book at Islamic Boarding Schools Modern Al-Falah, namely with a student satisfaction level of 92% Therefore, the module developed Is suitable to use. %K Modul, Mahãrah Al-kalãm, Buku Tamyiz %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48782