%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Afifah Fatihakun Ni’mah Wahidah, NIM.: 19204032012 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2021 %F digilib:48806 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Media Permainan, Kognitif, Ular Tangga Raksasa %P 145 %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PERMAINAN ULAR TANGGA RAKSASA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KOGNITIF ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TK NABILA PLOSOKUNING 3 SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/48806/ %X This research is in the background of the need for an educative and varied learning medium. The point is to develop children's cognitive abilities, especially in introducing numbers to children aged 5-6 years. Learning media can affect a child's capture. The purpose of the study is to find out cognitive development through the medium of learning giant ladder snake games. Research methods use this type of research development (Research Development) with addie development model consisting of analysis that explores information about research and development, the process carried out in the form of performance and needs analysis. Design is researchers prepare all the tools and materials that will be used to design the giant ladder snake game media. Research methods use this type of research development (Research Development) with addie development model consisting of analysis that explores information about research and development, the process carried out in the form of performance and needs analysis. Design is researchers prepare all the tools and materials that will be used to design the giant ladder snake game media. The results showed: First, before the snake medium of stairs was applied showed the cognitive ability of children, especially in knowing numbers and calculating the beginning of the child has not developed properly. Second, the implementation of ladder snake games in the learning of Group B of Nabila Kindergarten was proven to improve the child's cogniitive abilities. Third, after the medium of giant ladder snakes is applied, The cognitive ability of children is getting better, characterized by children being able to mention the numbers 1-10 precisely, pointing the symbol of the numbers 1-10 correctly, mentioning the sequence of numbers 1-10, multiplying 1-10 by pointing objects, and writing the numbers 1-10 correctly. Supported by the giant ladder snake game learning media rated valid by material experts with a percentage of 95% with the category Very Decent, assessments from media experts with a percentage of 81.4% with the category Very Decent, and the assessment of classroom teachers with a percentage of 100% with the category Very Decent. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. H. Suyadi, MA