%A NIM.: 19204080003 Vifta Agnia Utami %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Zainal Arifin Ahmad, M.Ag %T ANALISIS KESULITAN BELAJAR SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN DARING DALAM MATA PELAJARAN IPA DI SDN 5 CILEUNGSIR KECAMATAN RANCAH KAB CIAMIS %X This research was conducted in Class V of SDN 5 Cileungsir to analyze the difficulties of online learning which was motivated by the large number of students who had difficulty understanding science lessons, especially on the material of human organs even though the learning facilities were adequate. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive method by describing and describing an event, namely the factors that cause online learning difficulties in science subjects for human organs in class V SDN 5 Cileungsir by observing and observing the learning process. The types of data obtained from direct observation of this event through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that most of the fifth grade students had learning difficulties in understanding the material of the human body. The difficulties experienced by these students varied, including students having difficulty 1) understanding the concept of human organs, 2) lack of learning motivation, 3) lack of interest in science subjects, 4) low learning outcomes, 5) low intellectuality, and 6) unsupportive health. In addition to the above factors, students also experience learning difficulties due to external factors, such as: 1) lack of parental assistance. 2) limited communication and distance between teachers and students. 3) limited time and limited ability of parents in guiding children. 4) lack of parental understanding. 5) students and parents are bored and stressed, to economic problems. Then the efforts made by the school and teachers, to overcome the problems above are as follows: 1) Forming study groups. 2) Conduct home visits or home visits. 3) Giving rewards. 4) Flex time. 5) Changing learning styles. 6) Do not burden with heavy or many tasks. While the efforts made by parents are: 1) patiently accompanying children to learn, 2) creating a comfortable atmosphere at home, 3) understanding children's needs, 4) paying attention to children's health, 5) dividing time. %K Permasalahan Pembelajaran, Pembelajaran IPA, Daring %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48809