%A NIM.: 19204082012 Liza Savira %O Pembimbing: Dr. Andi Prastowo, S.P.d.I., M.Pd.I %T PENERAPAN MEDIA PENYIMPANAN HASIL EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN APLIKASI ABSENSI SISWA (STUDI KASUS SD NEGERI 2 SYAMTALIRA BAYU, KABUPATEN ACEH UTARA) %X The application of digital literacy in schools at this time has penetrated in all fields. Not only computers, but now smartphones have also been used as a medium for smooth education. The transformation of various platforms resulting from creativity and information technology innovation helps the educational community in all activities, one of which is the student attendance application which can be used as a storage medium for the results of student learning evaluations, thereby reducing teacher performance in recapitulating student attendance scores and attendance. This thesis is a study related to the application of digital literacy to teacher performance in recapitulating student grades and attendance using smartphone-based information technology, which aims to: first, find out how to evaluate learning through smartphone online applications. Second, describe how to implement digital literacy based on student attendance applications. Third, knowing how the development of digital literacy at SD Negeri 2 Syamtalira Bayu. This research is oriented towards qualitative research with descriptive methods, in this study the author intends to describe or describe the use and application of smartphone-based digital literacy innovations in learning evaluation activities using Absensi Siswa applications and the level of digital literacy development at SD Negeri 2 Syamtalira Bayu. The type of data obtained is from the direct observation of researchers in the research field through observation, interviews and documentation. While secondary data is obtained from existing data and has a relationship with research problems obtained through library research. The results of this study indicate that first, the Absensi Siswa application is effective to be used as a medium for storing learning evaluation results at SD Negeri 2 Syamtalira Bayu. Second, SD Negeri 2 Syamtalira Bayu has understood and met the standards for implementing digital literacy in order to be able to run the Absensi Siswa application smoothly and without any problems. This can also be proven from the stage of digital literacy development at SD Negeri 2 Symatalira Bayu which has entered level II, meaning that SD Negeri 2 Syamtalira Bayu has been able to apply digital literacy related to certain concepts. %K Literasi digital, Evaluasi pembelajaran, Aplikasi absensi siswa %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48821