%A NIM.: 19204090016 Moch Fuad Hasan Metarum %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Sumedi, M.Ag %T PENERAPAN WEALTH MANAGEMENT DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN MUTU PELAYANAN LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI SMK RADEN RAHMAT MOJOSARI KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO %X This research has the background of the author's interest in studying wealth management that occurs in Raden Rahmat Mojosari Vocational School, Mojokerto Regency. The basis of interest in question is the lack of several facilities in learning that make the quality of service at Raden Rahmat Vocational School ineffective and inefficient. And in the financial sector or financing has not been going well considering this sector determines the welfare of teachers, employees, and students. There are three main objectives in this study to determine the application of wealth management in Islamic educational institutions, the efforts of schools in improving the quality of services, and the impact of wealth management on the service quality of Raden Rahmat Mojosari Vocational High School. This research method uses is qualitative research using a money management approach. The informants selected were three sources, all of whom were selected according to their authority in educational institutions. The instruments that the researcher uses are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data validation and validity technique uses data triangulation. The results of this study are 1) the use of wealth management by applying the theory of Robert T Kyosaki Cashflow Quadrant to help educational institutions achieve financial freedom. Management of education funds by financial principles, namely the system of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness to be able to provide a positive image for schools and wealth management is managed with Islamic principles. wealth management), namely: the acquisition of wealth, distribution of wealth, and protection of wealth so that the assets owned are blessed. 2) efforts to improve the quality of education services at Raden Rahmat Mojosari Vocational School are divided into 2 main focuses, namely the availability of infrastructure facilities in the school environment to support teaching and learning activities and improving the quality of services through school human resources, 3) the influence of wealth management on the quality of education services at Raden Rahmat Vocational School. %K Wealth Management, Peningkatan, Mutu Pelayanan %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48822