@mastersthesis{digilib48848, month = {December}, title = {KIAI KAMPUNG: MEDIA BARU, PENERIMAAN DAN OTORITAS DI DESA WATUKARUNG PACITANa}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 17200010025 Hasbulloh Alfian F.D., S.S.}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Roma Ulinnuha, S.S.,M.Hum}, keywords = {Kiai Kampung, Media Baru, Penerimaan, Otoritas}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/48848/}, abstract = {In recent years, the relationship between religious authorities and new media has been heavily discussed by many researchers. Some figures use new media as a field to build their popularity or as a means to preach, such as uploading videos of regular religious learning (pengajian). Different from ulama who use new media for da'wah, peripheral authorities, such as the local religious leaders (kiai kampung) in Watukarung, Pacitan, who only take care of the langgar or mosque in their village and around it, even use the new media as a source of information for them. Based on this narrative, this thesis attempts to re-examine the relationship between religious authorities and new media by focusing attention on the kiai kampung. In this thesis, the researcher has three important questions that are the subject of discussion, namely a) how does the kiai kampung preach following their contact with new media? b) how is the community's acceptance of the da'wah of the kiai kampung? and c) what is the impact of the da'wah on the authority of the kiai kampung? In this research which is still within the scope of religious authority, the researcher also includes the theory of religious authority in a power from Max Weber. To gather the data, the researcher made several visits to the village of Watukarung. In the village, the researcher met some main informants, such as the kiai kampung, and other informants who could be considered as ordinary people without authority. During the visit, the researcher sought information through casual conversation that was informal in nature and was also equipped with supporting documentation. After getting all the information, the researcher also sought additional information from several websites. Based on the combination of offline and online observations, this thesis shows that the kiai kampung utilizes a new media in the form of YouTube by accessing Gus Baha' videos of religious learning as a source or material for da'wah that will be delivered to the local village community through Friday sermons and religious lectures during the regular Islamic study group (pengajian) organized by local village women. In addition, he also often slips his messages when chatting casually "njagong". The response or acceptance of the village community to the da'wah of the kiai kampung has two models, namely active acceptance and passive acceptance. However, the results of the da'wah carried out by the kiai kampung were able to strengthen their charisma and authority in the community, both in the religious field and in the local government} }