%A NIM. 18200010134 Hariyadin %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Karim, M.A. %T TRANSFORMASI RIMPU SEBAGAI PAKAIAN MUSLIMAH BIMA (KAJIAN SEJARAH SOSIAL TERHADAP RIMPU PADA MASYARAKAT KABUPATEN BIMANIM) %X This study discusses the Rimpu Transformation as Bima Muslimah Clothing (Social History Study of Rimpu in the Bima Community) the background this study about that Rimpu culture is no longer a daily wear but there are some that make Rimpu culture no longer a daily wear. Cannot be separated from the development of modern times, the people of Bima, especially Muslim women, have started to forget their traditional clothes, namely Rimpu, because of the presence of more modern clothes such as fashion, so most Muslim women, especially teenagers, are very interested in more modern clothes. Based on this background, there are 2 main problems to be answered, namely (1) How are the Rimpu social constructions of Bima society, and (2) Why is the transformation of dress taking place among the Bima Muslim community. The research method used by the author is a qualitative method where this method is a postpositivist approach to examine the condition of the object. This research is located in the vii area of Bima (NTB) through: interviews with religious leaders, community leaders and cultural leaders as well as with the leaders of the Rimpu organization in Bima: Observation or observation of how the people of Bima go out using Rimpu or how after that the author interviewed people who come out when using Rimpu and those who do not use Rimpu. The result of this research is that not all Bima people leave Rimpu culture itself, their reason is because they still respect Sultan Abdul Kahir as their kingdom and their ancestors who worked hard to establish Rimpu culture, so that's the reason they still maintain Rimpu culture. The reason they no longer wear Rimpu culture is because Rimpu culture is outdated clothing so it doesn't suit modern times they are more interested in more modern clothes that suit today's conditions. %K Kebudayaan, Pakaian Bima, Muslimah %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48862