%A NIM.: 19203012027 Delvy Hamzah %O Pembimbing: Prof. DR. H. Syamsul Anwar, M.A %T ANALISIS ASAS KEBEBASAN BERKONTRAK PADA KONTRAK JASA KONSTRUKSI DI KOTA BUKITTINGGI DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM %X The application of the principle of freedom of contract in construction service contracts in Bukittinggi has not been fully implemented. This can be seen in legal events which are the impact of not applying the principle of freedom of contract. Therefore, it is necessary to study the analysis of the principle of freedom of contract on construction service contracts in the city of Bukittinggi in the perspective of Islamic law. The main problem in this thesis is how to apply the concept of the principle of freedom of contract to construction service contracts in the city of Bukittinggi? How does Islamic law review the application of the principle of freedom of contract to construction service contracts in the city of Bukittinggi? This type of research is field research with qualitative methods. While the nature of this research is descriptive-analytic with an empirical normative approach. That is, the normative legal research of empirical combination describes the practice of construction service contracts between bouwheer and construction service providers in the city of Bukittinggi and then analyzes and evaluates it with the theory of the principle of freedom of contract. Meanwhile, in collecting data, the compiler uses 2 stages, namely; First, collect data from primary, secondary and tertiary legal sources related to this research. Second, collect primary data from informants through observation, interviews and documentation. The results show that if the principle of freedom of contract is applied with the principle of fairness and the principle of benefit in the practice of construction service contracts, it will minimize the things that cause losses. %K Hak kebebasan; construction service contracts; tanggung jawab; bisnis kontruksi %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib48885