%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Finza Khasif Ghifarani, S.H., NIM.: 19203012014 %B FAKULTAS SYARI'AH DAN HUKUM %D 2021 %F digilib:48886 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K pernikahan; suami istri; gender; mubadalah %P 185 %T KONSEP KESALINGAN DALAM PERNIKAHAN: STUDI MASYARAKAT DESA NGULING KABUPATEN PASURUAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/48886/ %X Nguling is one of the villages in Pasuruan Regency located in the easternmost part and borders Probolinggo Regency. Trading has become the livelihood of most Nguling community. In addition to the skill factor, it is chosen by most people since Nguling Village location is considered highly strategic for trading. Nguling Village is located near to the government center of Nguling District, such as market, community health center, schools, district office, village offices, police office, and so forth. Most people in Nguling Village and its surroundings take advantage of these opportunities to be productive, such as being traders in the conventional markets, sellers at schools, teachers at schools, teachers at Quran Learning Center (TPQ) and Islamic Basic Education (Madrasah Diniyah), or staff of community health center, etc. Approximately, 60% of married couples, both husband and wife, in Nguling Village generate their own income, either as entrepreneurs or private employees. It is uncommon to occur in a household where one of the husbands or wives is unemployed since their ancestors had taught that men and women should be financially independent so they will not rely on others' income. This study focuses on, first, why Nguling Village communities are aware to apply the concept of mubādalah (interdependence) in their marital relationship; and second, how the concept of mubādalah is manifested in the Nguling Village community. This study applies the theory of Islamic gender equality and the concept of mubādalah by Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir and is categorized as a field study by employing an ethnographic approach. The results indicated that the implementation of mubādalah was relied on several factors, first, most people in Nguling Village come from the middle to lower class; and second, some people in Nguling Village applied this concept not only due to financial deficiency but also independence and awareness that women should be financially independent even though their husbands were capable of fulfilling household needs. The concept of mubādalah is manifested in three aspects, i.e., livelihood, domestic roles in the family, and parenting patterns. The application of mubādalah in Nguling Village was considered in line with the concept of mubādalah introduced by Faqihuddin Abdul Qodir, stating that livelihood, domestic roles, sexual relations, and parenting patterns constitute shared duties and responsibilities of husband and wife based on the principle of zawaj (marriage) and mu'asyaroh bil ma'ruf (good treatment among others) since marriage is a partnership between two individuals with equal position. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Fathorrahman, S.AG., M.SI.