@mastersthesis{digilib49000, month = {October}, title = {PERAN DAN FUNGSI BADAN PENASIHATAN PEMBINAAN DAN PELESTARIAN PERKAWINAN TERHADAP PERCERAIAN DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19203010012 Hamsah Hudafi}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Khoiruddin, M.A.}, keywords = {BP4; perceraian; divorce; perkawinan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/49000/}, abstract = {This study discusses the role and function of the Marriage Advisory, Development and Preservation Agency (BP4). It is an institution that aims to improve the quality of marriage by developing a sakinah family. However, the role and function of BP4 has not been running well. It can be seen by the increasing number of divorce cases in Yogyakarta. This aspect encourages the author to conduct research on the role and function of BP4 on divorce that occurs in Yogyakarta. Because, one of the goals of BP4 is to reduce divorces that occur in the community. This research has main problems including how are the role and function of BP4 in solving divorce cases in the city of Yogyakarta, how are efforts and solutions that have been carried out by BP4 in carrying out its role in divorce cases in the city, what are the supporting and inhibiting factors experienced by BP4 in solving divorce problems in Yogyakarta and how relevant are the efforts and solutions that have been carried out by BP4 in resolving the divorce with its functions, duties and roles. This type of research is a descriptive field research using the Sociology of Islamic Law approach. In the data collection method, the author uses a method in the form of interviews with 5 Heads of District BP4, Head of BP4, Secretary of BP4, and 3 Heads of KUA Yogyakarta City District. Then, the documentation obtained from the District BP4 and Yogyakarta City BP4. While the data analysis method uses qualitative methods, which are data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions related to phenomena that occur in the field. The results showed that the role and function of BP4 in dealing with divorce were become a facilitator, providing marriage guidance, advising couples, then mediating for troubled families. BP4's solutions and efforts in minimizing divorce are collaborating with the District KUA, carrying out marriage guidance activities, participating in the activities of the Yogyakarta City Ministry of Religion in providing marriage advisory. The supporting factors include the legal basis, cooperation with other agencies, the socialization of marriage guidance. While the inhibiting factors include the role and function of BP4 not being optimal due to the absence of clear human resources, poor infrastructure, inadequate administration, lack of socialization about BP4 in Yogyakarta. Then, regarding the relevance of the efforts and solutions that have been carried out by BP4 in resolving divorce problems that occur in Yogyakarta are becoming a marriage counselor or advisory, implementing marriage guidance and marriage advisory courses and collaborating with other agencies.} }