%A NIM.: 14210077 Taofik Rohman %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Akhmad Rifa'i, M.Phil. %T PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL SEBAGAI SARANA EDUKASI KEBENCANAAN (STUDI TERHADAP BPBD, BADAN PENANGGULANGAN BENCANA DAERAH YOGYAKARTA) %X The development of online media is very useful in disseminating information. Online media is one of the mainstream media which has now become a tool to get information because of its convenience. The benefits of the internet as a medium of information are not only used by the consumer community. Various business fields have begun to transform using online media as a means of disseminating information, as well as the government. By utilizing online media, the government can disseminate policies and disseminate important information easily and more widely. This research is entitled The Use of Social Media as a Disaster Education Facility (Study of BPBD, Yogyakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency). Based on the phenomenon of social media which is the prima donna of information media today, this study will explain how the use of social media as a means of disaster education by BPBD DIY. The type of research used in this research is content analysis with a qualitative research approach, with the final result in the form of written words. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of educational content in the @bpbd_diy account is still quite few and rare. This can be seen from the amount of educational content uploaded. Within a month there are only four to five educational content uploaded. Most of the disaster education posts uploaded by the @bpbd_diy account within two months, namely March and April 2021, are education about Covid-19. Of the nine disaster education materials, five of them contain education related to Covid-19 vaccination and the importance of maintaining and implementing health protocols in daily life. From the types of educational information reviewed, it can be concluded that the majority of the types of educational content uploaded by the @bpbd_diy account are educational content regarding tips or tips. In addition, even though they already have tens of thousands of account followers, the number of interactions, especially in educational content, is still very minimal. This can be seen from the small number of likes and comments. %K Instagram; media sosial; BPBD; edukasi kebencanaan; PUSDALOPS %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49247