%A NIM.: 18101050019 Khoirunnisa %O Pembimbing: Harsiwi Fajar Sari, SS., M.A. %T COMPARING RUMI AND SHAKESPEARE: SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF LOVE EXPRESSIONS %X Rumi has been widely known for his Sufism poetry that talks about divine love. Meanwhile Shakespeare who lived in a different time and place expressed the feeling of love with his sonnet. Yet their works of art that mainly express love have been being admired until now. This paper aims to find the similarity and difference in their expressions of love. The objects taken are the English translation of Rumi’s poem, Looking for Your Face and Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare. These two poems are analysed through the lens of semiotic of poetry by Riffaterre. This theory is chosen for its thorough variables to give a tool to look at the poem not only for its meaning in general, but also for how the poems relate to other texts that precede them. The poems are looked at individually with the heuristic and hermeneutic reading, indirect expressions, matrices, and intertextual relations before they are compared in findings to one another. Close reading technique is used to collect the data. The research result shows that both of the poems use metaphor as their main figurative language, although they differ in their own types. The description of beauty alongside with the expressions of love is also found in both of the poems. However, the English translation of Rumi’s poem uses more comprehensive, literal language while Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare uses more literary devices in the poem. %K Rumi, Shakespeare, Semiotika Puisi, Perbandingan %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49385