%A NIM.: 18201010029 Muyassarah %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Bermawy Munthe, M.A. %T KEDUDUKAN PEREMPUAN DALAM NOVEL MAUT MA’ALI AL-WAZIR SABIQAN KARYA NAWAL AL-SA’DAWI (KAJIAN STRUKTURALISME GENETIK LUCIEN GOLDMANN) %X Egypt is a country that adheres to a patriarchal system that reflects the reflection of social inequality regarding the position between men and women. The emergence of these problems was caused by the birth and development of an economic class between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, so that a superiority system was formed between two classes and the superiority of men and women. This reality makes women in a patriarchal society seen as the second sex, regardless of whether they can live independently or are completely dependent on men. So that there is marginalization and discrimination caused by culture and religion that tend to work together in forming negative stereotypes for women. From this fact, one of Nawāl's creations entitled Maut Ma'alī al-Wazīr Sābiqan raises the story of the social facts of society towards women as a form of disagreement and criticism of the system prevailing in Arabia, especially Egypt. Nawāl considered that the occurrence of gender inequality in his environment was due to various factors, one of which was political economy, religion, and bad habits of the people who did not like the progress of women. Therefore, it is important to study and research the novel Maut Ma'alī al-Wazīr Sābiqan by Nawāl al-Sa'dāwī using Lucien Goldmann's genetic structuralism. This research is a descriptive study that uses Goldmann's dialectical method, namely through the concept of understandings that connect the structure of literary works, social reality, social background conditions, author's perspective, and the subject that gave birth to a literary work. This analysis is based on the theory of genetic structuralism introduced by Lucien Goldmann, which is a set of categories that support Goldmann's theory, namely human facts, collective subjects, structuration, author's worldview, and explanations found from data in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and terms arranged in paragraphs. It aims to determine the structural study of literary works, the social conditions of the background and perspective of the author, and the relationship of literary works with the world view of society. According to the analysis carried out on the research data, it was found that the treatment received by women originated from the patriarchal system, social class and the capitalist economic system that had taken place before the Nawāl era. Egyptian women are considered not entitled to have high positions, power, and even their rights are deprived, while men are imaged as figures who have freedom, power, and the highest position over women. The power of culture, which is especially related to the rights and position of women in society and the sustainable political system of Egypt, makes adherents of patriarchal culture only liberate men. %K Nawal al-Sa’dawi, Strukturalisme Genetik, Perempuan, Realitas Mesir %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49391