%A NIM.: 17106050002 Siti Lilkhawa Nur Riski Mukaromah %O Pembimbing: Maria Ulfah Siregar, S.Kom, M.IT, Ph.D, %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN DALAM PENENTUAN PRIORITAS APBDES DESA SENGON PADA MASA PANDEMIC COVID-19 DENGAN METODE ENTROPI-TOPSIS (STUDI KASUS : DESA SENGON) %X One of the villages that received village funds was Sengon Village. The process of proposing a work program every year is determined by the community directly through a deliberation meeting at the hamlet level which is attended by each element such as the Head of RT, Head of RW, Youth Representative, PKK Representative, BPD and others. However, in the process it is still difficult to make decisions because of the many proposals and limited time for meetings so that village officials find it difficult to determine priorities for village development. In determining the priority of the work program that is right on target, it is necessary to assign a weight value to each alternative work program, then proceed with a ranking process that will select the given alternative. In order for alternative selection to be more systematic, a decision support system is needed. With a decision support system for determining work program priorities, the use of APBDes will be easier and on target. There are several decision-making methods, the first is the Entropy weighting method used to weight the criteria. Meanwhile, The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is used to rank work program priorities. There are five criteria to determine the priority of the work program, namely the estimated RAB (Budget Plan), number of beneficiaries, urgency, age of object, sustainability factor. The data from the functionality test shows that the system is functioning 100%, meaning that the system has been running well. While the results of usability testing show that respondents strongly agree at 48.3% and agree value at 40%. The data from the evaluation of the Entropy-TOPSIS method, shows an accuracy rate of 79.1%, a recall rate of 97.9%, and a precision of 89.5%. The results of this study are in the form of ranking data from the preferences of each work program. This ranking can be used as a consideration in making decisions about which work programs should be prioritized first. %K APBDes, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Entropi, The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49434