%A NIM.: 14710084 Alif Anisa Rewo %O Pembimbing: Rita Setyani Hadi Sukirno, M.Psi. %T MOTIVASI IBU MENANAMKAN NILAI-NILAI AGAMA ISLAM SAAT MENDONGENG PADA ANAK USIA DINI %X Storytelling activities provide lessons without giving the impression of being patronizing, so it is very suitable to be a medium for inculcating Islamic religious values for early childhood. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of the mother's motivation to instill Islamic religious values when storytelling in early childhood. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. The subjects in this study were three mothers who told stories to their children from an early age. The results reveal that the mother's motivation to instill Islamic religious values through storytelling is intrinsically knowing the importance of children's development from an early age, the benefits that exist in Islamic religious values and storytelling, mothers have an interest in storytelling, hopes for children to become better figures. from his parents. Meanwhile, extrinsically, the informant was inspired by the events he experienced when he was young, and the people around him also told stories to their children. In this study, it was also found that storytelling activities were more effective when the mother directly demonstrated the values contained in the fairy tales told in daily activities, whether the mother gave an example or they invited the child directly did it. %K Anak Usia Dini, Ibu, Mendongeng, Motivasi, Nilai Agama Islam %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49455