%A NIM.: 16710076 Aslama Salima %O Pembimbing: Satih Saidiyah, Dpl.Psy.M.Si %T GAMBARAN KOMUNIKASI DIGITAL PARENTING IBU PADA ANAK USIA SEKOLAH DASAR %X This study aims to determine the description of digital parenting communication carried out by mothers in elementary school age children. The participants in this study were millennial mothers who had introduced their children to digital technology since childhood. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological type of research. Data collection methods are semi-structured interviews and observation. Data analysis used is data analysis technique from Creswell. The result of this study is that the process of digital parenting communication between mother and child is not easy where participants are still too flexible in supervising the use of gadgets in their children, such as by allowing their children to be free to use gadgets even though they already have them. rules made. This proves that the efforts of parents in preventing the negative impact of gadgets have not been fully effective. There are several supporting and inhibiting factors in the digital parenting communication process. One of the supporters is in the form of children's activities outside the home in the form of studying at the Al-Qur'an Learning Center, playing soccer with peers around the house and gymnastics activities. While the obstacles experienced by the participants were the factor that children easily became angry if they were prohibited from using gadgets and violated mutually agreed rules regarding the use of gadgets. %K Komunikasi, Digital Parenting, Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49457