%A NIM.: 17107010125 Septy Ambarwati %O Pembimbing: Rita Setyani Hadi Sukirno, M. Psi. %T KEBAHAGIAAN REMAJA PANTI ASUHAN DITINJAU DARI PEMAAFAN DAN DUKUNGAN SOSIAL %X Every individual has the right to feel happiness, including the youth of an orphanage. This research aims to determine the relationship between happiness in youth orphanages in terms of forgiveness and social support. The method of research used is quantitative with correlational approach. There were 110 measured through the simple random sampling. The scale used is happiness scale, the heartland forgiveness scale, and social support scale. The data analysis used was regression analysis of two predictors. The result of this research are:1) there is positive relationship between forgiveness and social support with significance value of 0,000 (p<0,05) and effective contribution of 49,7%. 2) there is positive relationship between forgiveness and happiness with significance value of 0,000 (p<0,05) and effective contribution of 26,6%. 3) there is positive relationship between social support and happiness with significance value of 0,000 (p<0,05) and effective contribution of 44,2%. Based of the research‟s result, the hypothesis are accepted. %K Kebahagiaan, Pemaafan (Forgiveness), Dukungan Sosial %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49467