%A NIM.: 17107030102 Kammala Lathifa Alqonun %O Pembimbing: Niken Puspitasari, S.IP., M. A. %T STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF DINAS PARIWISATA DAN KEBUDAYAAN KAB. PANGANDARAN DALAM MENCIPTAKAN MASYARAKAT SADAR WISATA SEKITAR PANTAI PANGANDARAN DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19. %X This study of research about the Persuasive communication strategy of Pangandaran Regency Tourism and Culture Departmen in creating a tourism aware community around Pangandaran beach in the Covid-19. The subject of this research used are primary data dan secondary data related to situations and coditions. This study used a qualitative description with data collection techniques, inteviews, observation, anda documentation to obtain primary data regarding the persuasive commun ication strategy of the data Departement of Tourism and Culture in Creating a tourism aware community around Pangandaran beach in the Covid-19. The results of research form the Departement of Tourism and Culture of Pangandaran Regency have been quite successful in used elements of persuasive communication including: source, Reciever, Perseption, persuasive message, media or persuasive channel and effect. Among the persuasive communication activities carried out, among others, the socialization of the implemantation of health protocols, vaccinitions, and Pangandaran Regency has been included in PPKM Level 1. %K Komunikasi Persuasif, Unsur Komunikasi Persuasif, Covid-19 %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49477