%A NIM.: 17107030055 Sheila Fauzia Mediana %O Pembimbing: Fajar Iqbal, S.Sos., M.Si %T STRATEGI CITY BRANDING DALAM MEMBENTUK IDENTITAS PANGANDARAN SEBAGAI KOTA WISATA (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF IKON JANGILUS DAN TAGLINE “PANGANDARAN WORLD CLASS DESTINATION”) %X This research describes the branding strategy of Pangandaran District in building a brand identity as a world-class destination through Jangilus Icon and the "Pangandaran World Class Destination" Tagline. Pangandaran is one of West Java's most well-known tourist spots and is a potential district. The creation of this world-class brand would enable Pangandaran to differentiate themselves in the competitive market. The data was gathered using a descriptive qualitative method that included observation, interviews, and documentaries. Furthermore, the data is processed using a Miles and Huberman interactive analysis methodology. The analysis is done with Andrea Insch's four steps of city branding: identity, objective, communication, and coherence. According to the findings, Pangandaran city branding operations have stalled in terms of launching icons and taglines. There is no documented integrated planned strategy for municipal branding. Pangandaran's traits and potentials are not well represented by the icon and tagline. Separate government services are in charge of promotional initiatives. This demonstrates that the attempt to establish the new brand in the minds of the public has not been prioritized yet. In the end, the Pangandaran government's city branding efforts has not established Pangandaran as a world-class tourism city yet. %K City Branding, Brand Identity, Brand Icon, Brand Tagline, Kabupaten Pangandaran %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49479