%A NIM.: 17107030016 Adin Iyan Azhari %O Pembimbing: Dra. Marfuah Sri Sanityastuti, M.Si %T PENGARUH SOSIALISASI POLITIK PILKADA 2020 TERHADAP PARTISIPASI POLITIK MASYARAKAT PADA PANDEMI COVID-19 (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA MASYARAKAT KELURAHAN TERONG, KECAMATAN DLINGO, KABUPATEN BANTUL, DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA) %X The Pilkada (Regional Head Election) held in 2020 that was accompanied with Covid-19 had many pros and cons from the society, one of which was the community considered that Pilkada 2020 will be difficult to achieve the participation rate expected by the government. The fact is that in Bantul Regency, the participation rate experienced an increase from previous years, which reached 80.32 percent. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out the influence of political socialization for Pilkada 2020 by KPU (General Election Commissions) Bantul in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic on public political participation. The theory used in this study was Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory (ELM). This study used a quantitative approach with a questionnaire as an instrument that was disseminated to voters in Permanent Voter List (DPT) in Terong Village, Dlingo, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta. The determination of samples used cluster sampling consisting of 9 villages and obtained 98 participants as samples. Based on the results of the data analysis and hypothesis test conducted by the researcher, there was an influence of political socialization on political participation in Bantul Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta of 81.3%, and the rest was influenced by other variables not studied in this study. %K Pilkada, Sosialisasi Politik, Pandemi Covid 19 %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49483