%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A DIANA ROFITA SARI, NIM. 17103040119 %B FAKULTAS SYARI'AH DAN HUKUM %D 2022 %F digilib:49502 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Investigation, Lascivious molestation crime, child with disability %P 198 %T PENYELIDIKAN DAN PENYIDIKAN TINDAK PIDANA PENCABULAN TERHADAP ANAK PENYANDANG DISABILITAS DI POLRES GUNUNGKIDUL %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/49502/ %X Lascivious molestation crime occurs not only with ordinary children in general but also with handicapped children who should be given special attention. The child with a disability will experience some problems as a victim of a crime ranging from the reporting stage to the trial process. The police are the first lawenforcement officers to face off society, where investigators play a vital role in tackling lascivious molestation abuse of children with disability for prevention by providing protection to the victim and a deterrent to the perpetrators. Based on data from Gunungkidul Municipality Police every year there will be cases of lascivious molestation abuse, in 2017 there are 5 cases, in 2019 there are 8, and in 2020 has 8, and by 2021 there are 2 cases. The treatment of lascivious molestation abuse of children is carried out through the process of investigation, the treatment also includes a number of obstacles the investigator experiences. It should be that investigators are able and able to understand the condition of the disability so as to solve each case involving the disability does not become a problem. The focus of the problem with this research is how investigations into the lascivious molestation abuse of child disabilities in Gunungkidul Municipality Police, Obstacles in the process, and efforts by investigators overcome them. The type of research is field research, which is conducting observations and interviews directly with investigators or places that are used as research objects, in this case is in Gunungkidul Municipality Police and Ponjong Sector Police. The type of approach used in conducting this research uses a juridical-empirical approach. While the data analysis method used is descriptive-analytic. In the data collection method, the compilers use Observation, interviews, and documentation. The theoretical framework used in this research is the Law enforcement theory and best protection for children theory. The results showed that the process of investigation or lascivious molestation crime on children with disabilities carried out by Gunungkidul Municipality Police police and ponjong policies according to the established conditions, execution procedures, and guidelines used are consistent with the process of investigations of lascivious molestation crimes in general only what determines how to adapt to the condition of the child, what is best for the child, what is best for the child. Some obstacles, such as communication problems with victims, limited time, make it difficult to investigate because the victims are not open and the cooperative participants ask for a peaceful settlement, a remote location, and inadequate infrastructure, examination financing that not fully covered and society that has not played a fully active role. Efforts by investigators to overcome obstacles to the investigations of lascivious molestation crimes of children with disability, the police are inflexible, always subordinate to what needs the victim, and act in the best interests of the child %Z GILANG KRESNANDA ANNAS, S.H., M.H