%A NIM.: 17107030125 Zakiyah Ainun Putri %O Pembimbing: Niken Puspitasari, S.IP., M.A. %T STRATEGI PEMBERITAAN MEDIA ONLINE BEKESAH.CO DALAM MEMBENTUK NEWS TRUST KHALAYAK %X The rise of the presence of online-based news media in Indonesia has become a real phenomenon. As a result, competition between media is getting tougher, especially in terms of attracting and maintaining public trust. The use of the internet as the main platform, which is fast and free, often makes the media present uncontrolled news and forget the value of the news itself. This study aims to understand the strategy of reporting by the Bekesah.co media in forming public news trust. The research approach used in this study used a qualitative descriptive method. From this research, it is known that the Bekesah.co media in forming news trust audiences by managing news values in the form of timeliness, proximity, prominence, human interest, and consequence in every news presented combined with the dimensions of trust in the form of belive in topic selectivity, belive in facts selectivity, believe in accuracy, and believe in journalistic judgment. The news strategy carried out by Bekesah.co media has succeeded in building, shaping and maintaining public trust so that Bekesah.co media can always be used as a place to fulfill public information %K Strategi Berita, Media Online, News Trust %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49508