%A NIM.: 1430017011 Abd. Faishol %O Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Iskandar Zulkarnain, M.A dan Dr. H. Ahmad Singgih Basuki, M.A. %T GERAKAN SOSIAL-KEAGAMAAN DALAM MEWUJUDKAN PERDAMAIAN DI SURAKARTA %X Surakarta as the central of Javanese monarchy and culture has repeatedly been stricken by social-religion conflicts in a big scale or the small one. Having multi ethnic inhabitants with different beliefs causes this city has quite a lot of conflict history. The conflict received serious attention from local society after reformation incident of 1998. Some religion and community figures from different forums and institutions have the common concern when the government lost its legitimacy due to the rampant issues of corruption, collusion, and nepotism, which overthrew the elected president, Suharto. They worked hand in hand to alter the image of Surakarta as the short-fused city to the peaceful one. The objectives of this study are (1) to uncover the socialreligion conflicts in Surakarta between reformation years of 1998 to 2015, (2) to discover the social-religion movements in Surakarta, (3) to identify the implications of the social-religion movements for peace in Surakarta. This qualitative study applied social-historic approach. Data were obtained from observation, in-depth interview, and documentation processes, and analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion processes. The results show the followings. First, Surakarta, well-known as the central of Javanese culture, has repeatedly been stricken by social conflict because of cultural, social, and economic inequalities. The other causes were the factors, i.e. racial (ethnicity), politics, economics, and social segregation. Second, the social-religion movements organized by interfaith and groups from different forums and institutions aimed to bring the peace into reality with the reflective dialogical manner through tracing the root causes of conflict, crisis management, building vision, taking preventive actions, and transforming conflict. Third, the social movements in Surakarta made humanity-based peace into reality that ontologically covers society awareness, the presence of state to build the peace, and strengthening local values. Building peace, epistemologically, is built on four aspects: strengthening plurality awareness, gender role, social defense, and tradition (culture). On the axiological base, religion and belief awareness serve as the spirit and moral base in building peace. %K Surakarta, Masyarakat Jawa, Segregasi Sosial, Sosial-Keagamaan %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49603